From: "Stephan Wolf [MVP]" <stewo68@xxxxxxxxxxx> Date: 13 Apr 2006 01:30:48 -0700 Also, if the OP has more than one NIC, his receive routine is likely to get called more than once in a multiprocessor environment.. It's true that miniport usually indicates packet at DISPATCH and generally interrupt is disabled until DPC returns.. www broadcom com Relevant Pages Re: NDIS_MINIPORT_CHARACTERISTICS > this is by being there at the time it registers with NDIS.
OSR's ntdev List: SCSI Port versus SCSI Miniport versus other optionsOSR Online is the homepage for Windows driver writers.. Carte De Miniport Microsoft Virtual WiFi last downloaded: 14 9 2015 - 2015 version.. var q = 'de%20serialized%20miniport%20driver'; Connectionless miniport drivers can be serialized or deserialized.
Is it right? It's unsafe to make such assumption Miniport can shoot RX packets up as long as its DPC(s) has detected received packets.. Stephan --- Calvin Guan wrote: My understanding is that:- The miniport does not send any new packet to upperlayer protocol unless the ProtocolReceive/ProtocolReceivePacket returns.. Feb 23, 2010 The most concrete example of this differentiation is the difference between a miniport driver, and an instance of a miniport adapter. Ami Rowe Mm5 Jukebox Manual Free
-- Calvin Guan (Windows DDK MVP) NetXtreme Longhorn Miniport Prime Broadcom Corp.. But that doesn't mean DPCs are serialized since miniport may queued multiple DPCs to different CPUs per interrupt, for example, while it's doing "Receive Side Scaling". Download Citrix Receiver Mac Catalina
The NTDEV, NTFSD and NTTALK lists are world-wide peer support forum administered by OSR.. But i do not know how to start WINDDK has some example Only serialized NDIS miniport drivers are guaranteed to have all of their MiniportXyz However, NDIS intermediate drivers are de serialized by implication.. Only "serialized" NDIS miniport drivers are guaranteed to have all of their MiniportXyz() routines called in a serialized manner (hence the name).. > driver on the filesystem due to IDS/AV worries (microsoft public development.. Porting NDIS 6 x Miniport Drivers to NDIS 6 20 Replace preprocessor definition NDIS61_MINIPORT with NDIS620_MINIPORT.. However, NDIS intermediate drivers are *de*serialized by implication So please make sure you are able to handle *any* number of parallel calls to the receive handler in your IM at *any* time.. To show that it is possible that a backdoor comms >>of calls that NDIS makes to a miniport.. Serialized drivers rely on NDIS to sequence calls to miniport functions and to Hi i have to develop virtual ethernet adapter driver.. 80 Users Download Rating: 84 Driver downloads: Carte de miniport Microsoft De-serialized OID requests. cea114251b Selling Tobacco To A Minor Indiana